My Don Tolman 14 Day Cleanse Review
Here I share with you my daily diary of my first ever time of the Don Tolman 14 Day Cleanse. Your experience would of course be different to mine but it will give you some idea as to what to expect to varying degrees.
I am so very glad I decided to do it and I hope you too will choose to do a natural cleanse program.
NOTE: If you place an order then you will notice that some of the packaging is different to what I have displayed here on my blog. As one of my readers informed me, some of the products are organic and some are not, depending on who you buy them through.
Unfortunately I am unable to get any level of support for selling this product so choose not to offer it for sale on my blog. I have provided some other great alternatives though and what is important is the underlying message; to cleanse and keep your inside working well.
If you are after something a little easier than this cleanse then you can consider this colon cleanse or this natural cleanse. If you have to work or have other commitments then consider one of the other natural colon cleanse products I have linked to above. It would be difficult to try to work if you go into full detox and cannot function.
What’s In The Don Tolman 14 Day Cleanse Program?
The great thing about this colon cleanse program is that it comes ready to use and easy to use. You don’t need much in the way of instruction and aside from some of the cleanse symptoms you may experience, it does not interfere with your day. Any colon cleanse symptoms you may experience are very much individual based on your history of eating, environment, genetics and other factors. Thus, some find doing this 14 day cleanse easy whilst others really struggle based on the reaction their body has to the detox.
You get a two part pack for day 1 and 2 that you also use for day 13 and 14. This part involves the wonderful bentonite clay that is hugely beneficial for removing toxins. You also get 10 packs of a variety of flavours of pulse.
The pulse is certified organic and gluten free. There is method in the way the products are made and the way the system works with your body.
Disclaimer: Please always consult a health professional before undertaking a colon cleanse. You are responsible for your own decisions and own health.
DAY 1 – Cleanse Me Part 1 and Part 2 packs
Weight approx 69.7kg (just over my ideal weight range)
For some people, they hardly have any symptoms when they do the 14 day cleanse and when you do the first two days, that’s the most likely time that you will experience the detox horrors if you are going to get them. I know someone who feels very little impact when he does the colon cleanse.
Me – a completely different story.
I eat reasonably healthy. I am a high raw food eater and I was surprised at the severity of my detox symptoms on a cleanse. I didn’t quite make it through day one. What I mean by that is that I could not keep taking the cleanse me part one and two packs. I came down with a pretty bad migraine closely followed by diarrhea and vomiting. Once the diarrhea subsided I then had to endure hot and cold flushes – like I had a fever and my body odor was noticeable when usually it isn’t. With the transition to being vegetarian and high raw food eater, I didn’t get much body odor these days.
I only managed to get about 3 or 4 litres of water in before I could not put anything in my stomach. I was sick all though the night and the migraine persisted, and felt crap day 2, and I mean REALLY sick.
If you are not up to the 14 day cleanse then you can always do the cleanse me 2 day detox program.
DAY 2 – Cleanse Me Part 1 and Part 2
Weight 67.9kg (Lost 1.8kg Now, just within my ideal weight range)
I weighed myself and had dropped nearly 1.5 kilo in 24 hours. I wasn’t feeling much better and the thought of doing the cleanse me part one and part two again just could not be fathomed. I slept most of the day away and really did not want to get out of bed. I still had a lingering headache but not as bad.
I contacted the Don Tolman office to see if I could just skip straight to the pulse and if my severe symptoms were normal. The reply was prompt thank goodness and she assured me that it was normal for some people to feel as I did during detox and recommended to settle the stomach, try just an apple or green salad. I opted for the apple as I did not have any fresh produce in the house knowing I was going to be on the pulse cleanse for some time. I couldn’t even call on my greens out of my veggie patch as the heat had made them perish while I was away for a week.
The apple did work and then I just kept drinking as much water as I possibly could all day.
I slept quite well that night even though I had slept a lot for the two days. It took a little while to get to sleep but when I did, I woke up to a brighter day 3.
DAY 3 – First Day of the pulse cleanse – Mango Pulse 
Didn’t weigh myself.
Well, I was looking forward to the pulse when I woke up. I did not feel terribly hungry but I have always enjoyed the pulse and knew that once I started eating it, I would feel better. I was right. Before I could open a pack though I needed to do the salt flush. I started to feel a bit yuck again but at least it was over in one sitting. That’s when you want to be near the toilet too – as the instructions recommend.
I did feel a bit foggy headed for most of the morning but on the inside, I felt strong. I downed around 4 litres of water without any trouble at all and just one bag of pulse. Around 1pm I started to feel normal and as the day went on and I just snacked on the pulse with the water all day, I started to get my energy back.
Toward the end of the day my face started to break out and it had been looking clear. Oh the joys of detox. But, I know I’m doing my body a world of good.
It’s late at night now and I am still up feeling quite energetic.
DAY 4- Second Day of the pulse cleanse – Cranberry Pulse
Weight 66.7kg (Lost another 1.2kg. Within my healthy weight range) 
Woke up a little light headed this morning but feeling pretty good otherwise. Wanted to start with lemon in my water but didn’t have any so will get some today for the mornings to come. After I drank some water I felt better. I used the toilet too. I physically feel like my body is changing today. Like I’m dropping baggage. I also notice that my body shape is changing for the better. I can see more definition.
It’s 7.23am and I don’t feel like pulse yet, just water but I will start eating some around 8.30 I think. ok so I needed to go shopping – food shopping. All the smells seem accentuated.A good test. You may be happy to know that I passed but I have to say that when I was grating up a carrot this afternoon I started salivating. I was very tempted to take just one little wafer thin bite but I resisted. Fortunately my mind said “no, Don Tolman said when you are doing the ‘go it hard’ way that there is to be no food”.
It is 2.30pm and I am more hungry today. I’ve had close to 2 litres of water and still a bit of pulse left in the pack. It’s the close to the day. I drank 5 litres of water and ate the bag of pulse. I’m a little peckish now but it won’t be a bother. I feel tired tonight but I feel pretty good otherwise and my skin hasn’t deteriorated any further.
When I wake up in the morning I just browse through the pulse cleanse bags and decide which one appeals most for the day. I’m really enjoying it.
DAY 5 – Third Day of the pulse cleanse – Cherry-Coco Pulse
No change to my weight so still 66.7kg. 
Went to bed late, woke up early feeling a little tired but still able to get out of bed ok. Decided to start putting lemon in my water in the morning before I start the pulse. I got a very slight headache after taking lemon in my water but so mild that it didn’t matter. It went away after about 1 hour.
I’ve felt a bit hungry today but aside from that have functioned normally going about my day. I find it a little difficult preparing food for the kids but have not caved in. I am determined to come through this cleanse with a better body and mind.
My eyes look clearer or something, my face is looking younger and I guess that it due to the hydration although I do also use a range of skincare that is chemical free. *batters eyelids*.
I have moments of not looking forward to the last two days of the cleanse me part one and part two again because I guess I am scared of being so sick again. I hope all this pre-curser work on my body will make the last two days easier.
I am starting to look forward to a HUGE green salad. That seems to be what I am craving aside from snacking on berries. All I can say about today’s outing, is that everyone looked like they had a coffee, even if they didn’t have one. I miss it, not because I am addicted to it but I miss the taste and experience. I just have to make do with the aroma.
I didn’t get a chance to snack on the pulse so much throughout the day so had quite a bit at dinner time and I boy did I enjoy it. I am finding that when I do feel a little hungry; and I have not been famished yet, that drinking more water does help and also being busy. If you don’t do your quota of water, you will feel more hungry so I encourage you to have more than you need for your body weight. I think today I drank between 3 and 4 litres of water.
I do tend to urinate a lot but I haven’t used the toilet for number 2’s much and I wish there was a bit more of that happening. Heh – not often you would say that I guess.
DAY 6 – Fourth Day of the pulse cleanse – Chocolate Pulse
Weight today 66kg.
(Lost another 0.7kg.)
After my lemon water this morning I got a very mild headache again but barely noticeable and it only lasted for a couple minutes. That gives me hope that my last two days of the cleanse me packs will be easier on my body. My left ear felt blocked and like it was going to clear. I feel pretty good considering I was up until nearly 2am working – which is one of my passions. I don’t feel terribly hungry this morning and I find my appetite is greater toward late afternoon. My skin is still clearing up and I will be interested to see what it is like after the colon detox is finished.
It’s 4pm and all I can say is HUNGRY! I seem to get hungry around this time of day but I do fill the spot with water. The one thing I do find a little hard to work out, is how much to graze on throughout the day. I don’t want to end up with not much left around 6pm so I have found I have had less during the day and been left with a bit more in the pack toward dinner time, if that makes sense.
I drank around 5 litres of water today – easy.
I was up until midnight working again and feeling like I have more energy.
DAY 7 – Fifth Day of the pulse cleanse – Tropical Pulse
Weight today 66kg. (no change) 
I was up by 7.30 this morning and feeling pretty good energy wise, even though I didn’t get to bed until late last night. I still get a slight headache with the lemon juice in my water before I start eating the pulse but it’s barely there and goes away quite quickly. I am finding it easy to drink 1 litre of water as I start my morning.
My face is getting definition. I have cheek bones…hehe. Not that I have been overweight but everything is going back into shape. I have not dropped much weight the past couple days but I have not had time to exercise either and I am not bothered by that. There’s lots to do prior to the kids starting school so I haven’t been sitting down all day either.
It was late afternoon when I came down with a migraine like I did when I was doing the cleanse me part 1 and 2 for day 1 and 2. I had plenty of water so it is not a hydration issue. I had to have a nap in the afternoon and that seemed to help. After that I just drank what water I could and nibbled on pulse. By night time it had subsided and I felt normal. I hope I don’t have to go through that again when I go back to the cleanse me packs in the final two days.
Slept well and functioning on less sleep now.
DAY 8 – Sixth Day of the pulse cleanse – Original Pulse
Weight 65.4kg
(Lost another 0.6kg)
No headache even after lemon juice in my water. I haven’t been very hungry today and didn’t start eating the pulse until around 11am and I have been so busy that I didn’t get to eating much pulse until around dinner time.
I came close to breaking the 14 day cleanse when I took the kids to korean food. There were two left over pieces of food and I was so so tempted but I talked myself out of it saying that korean will be there after the cleanse and I also don’t want to waste money on the cleanse so need to follow it through. Aside from that I have not missed other food. The pulse cleanse part of this 14 day cleanse has not felt mundane.
I am definitely needing less sleep. Not much else to report on as it’s been a pretty normal sort of day.
I’m just over 1/2 way through now and looking forward to the end result.
DAY 9 – Seventh Day of the pulse cleanse – Blueberry Pulse
Weight 64.8
(Lost another 0.6kg)
Kids started back at school today so by the time I got them there and did some grocery shopping I was hungry. I had only had 1/2 litre of water with lemon before school. No headache at all again today. Yay!
Later in the afternoon I did feel quite tired but I also have not incorporated exercise into the 14 day cleanse. I plan to exercise on the weekend.
Have to admit that dinner time is HARD. I came within an inch of wanting to have some of the cooked food on the table for the kids (no, we are not 100% raw).
Got to bed late and functioning quite well on about 6 hours sleep where as previously I needed about 8 and struggled to get out of bed.
DAY 10 – Eighth Day of the pulse cleanse – Cherry-coco Pulse
Weight 64.8 (no change) 
Walked the kids to school today so I can get some exercise. Quantity wise on this cleanse, I am not eating a lot because it is just one bag of pulse a day but I don’t feel weak, shaky or unwell. I reckon I could have jogged home if I had wanted.
Still not terribly hungry until later in the morning. The lemon water is going down well now when I wake. I’ve generally had 2 litres of water now by lunch time and it isn’t hard. I am aiming for 4 litres and anything after that is just a bonus.
I didn’t take my measurements but I recommend you do before you start. I had to continually hitch up a pair of 1/4 jeans I was wearing yesterday so I know my measurements have changed and it always feel great to drop the Christmas kilos.
DAY 11 – Ninth Day of the pulse cleanse – Mango Pulse
Weight 64.8 (no change) 
Walked the kids to school again today to get some exercise otherwise it just wasn’t going to happen. Really love the taste of the mango pulse. The flavors are becoming more distinctive as I go along. I am now starting to consider what food I first put in my body when the cleanse is over in 3 days. I think I’ll eat some sauerkraut so my bowels are set up well. I am looking forward to eating other foods again now but I have not missed it like I thought I would.
There hasn’t been much toilet action throughout the whole colon cleanse except for based on the water. Today was a bit better and I have felt a bit sluggish today. My skin is the best it has been in a long time and I look hydrated. Drinking enough water for my body weight is something I shall make more of an effort to do upon completion.
I’m still not sure how I will go with the last two days given I will be back on the cleanse me two day two part system. Hopefully the pulse over the 10 days will mean I don’t get a migraine and sick but I will be prepared for it just in case. And no, it is not the cleanse that is causing it, it is my body that needs a detox. The products are great and I highly recommend you give it a go yourself. I am so so glad I decided to do this. It really is a wonderful cleanse program.
DAY 12 – Tenth Day of the pulse cleanse – Cranberry Pulse
Weight 64.2kg (Lost another 0.6kg)
Was really really tired last night and had a big sleep. Got up and did some exercise and when I returned I was looking at my last pack of pulse for this part of the colon cleanse. It was a feeling like when you know you have to return home from a holiday – I felt a little sad about it. Then I eyed the cleanse me two part packs and hoped that when I am back on them again tomorrow that I fair better than at the start. It will be interesting to see if I am as sick as I was when I started.
While I initially felt pretty good this morning I have the drowsies up right now which isn’t u
sual for me. I don’t normally get afternoon drowsiness like I used to since changing my diet some years ago.
Was up late again tonight which is not recommended on the cleanse but I was still ready to get out of b
ed the next morning around 7am.
DAY 13 – Back On The Cleanse Me Part 1 and 2
Weight 64.2kg (No Change)
Was a little worried about this part as you will know if you have been reading along with my natural cleanse journey. I didn’t really like the taste of the cleanse me packs so I decided to juice some fresh apple juice which you are allowed to do. That made it so much easier to drink each glass.
After about the first two rounds of part one and two of cleanse me, I started to get a headache but it was mild and didn’t go beyond that. I did feel a little strange; not quite unwell, not quite tired but lethargic. I decided to meditation for 1/2 hour and that helped.
I felt very full after the first three rounds too so I decided to have an apple and a break in between to settle my stomach a little and then I proceeded to have one more round before the day’s end.
Obviously the detox has worked as I haven’t been sick at all and for that I am so glad.
Probably one of the hardest things about this natural colon cleanse, aside from being sick, is preparing food for the kids. I have managed to scrape through without eating their food but it was very hard at time.
So, now there is only tomorrow and I have finished. I know bits of this post haven’t been that exciting but at least you are getting an honest review of the Don Tolman 14 Day Cleanse.
DAY 14 – LAST DAY!!! On The Cleanse Me Part 1 and 2
Weight 63.7 (Lost another 0.5kg)
Total weight loss on the 14 day cleanse program is 6kg – that’s 3 kg a week!!
I managed to get an early night at around 10.30pm and woke at around 5.30am ready to get up and at ’em. My energy has been much better and I generally feel less sluggish. I have missed having coffee but know it has been beneficial to give my body a break. No, I’m not going to give up coffee but I do have only 1 to 2 a day. It is about moderation and giving your body a clean out every so often.
Doing this last day has been easy really. I’m not sick and I added fresh apple juice to the packs and that made it very easy to drink them.
I definitely will do a cleanse more often to minimize the toxin build up. I have also not suffered any stress migraines on the program and life has been very busy for me which would have lent itself to the possibility of a migraine.
So, that’s it. My journey with the Don Tolman 14 Day Cleanse. If you know of a friend or family member that would benefit then I’d love for you to share this post with them. I definitely recommend this program or any natural colon cleanse for great health benefits.
Give yourself the power to roar!
Hi Eileen, I just wanted to know of your updates since taking the cleanse, have you been healthier, eating less? Did you keep the weight off?
Thanks, Samantha
Hi Samantha,
I find it difficult with meals especially when the kids need to eat higher fat meals (good fats). Doing a cleanse does help you want to eat a cleaner diet I find and you may also feel the need to go back and do another cleanse soon. Sometimes after a long cleanse as you have done, it can be good to do the occasional juice fast or water fast (depending on your circumstances and health) to keep your energy maintained. I will be doing a juice fast again shortly as I always feel so much better after. Any time I eat really high raw, I don’t feel the lethargy.
Thanks for stopping by and your questions. Stay well, Eileen.
Hello Eileen –
Thank you so very much for sharing your journey. I am on Day 1 of the Cleanse Me pack today and have been feeling a bit strange… really appreciate the opportunity to read about your experience. Thanks a million.
Hi Jacquii,
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. I wish you well on your cleanse. People do experience different detox symptoms and I hope you find the next couple of days easy. Another of my readers struggled through the first two days like I did. Keep at it and you will find the end is a breeze and you will also have given your body a good clean and rest. Had a look at your blog – great pics and I like your writing style.
Stay well, Eileen.